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Damn Shame Waste VINYLs 

coming Sept 9th!

Click to Pre-order yours now! 

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Big in person show in Carmel!  

It will be on March 5th in the Carmel, CA area but I'm still confirming all the details and will post them soon but wanted to let you know as soon as I could! I hope you can make it! Get your tickets now for $20. Price goes up at the door on the day of the show.

"It's Tumbling Me" Music Video 

I was kinda scared and nervous to put this out there but it was expansive and empowering for me and I hope it will be inspiring to you in some way too!

PS. This is all real. The only digital effects are the color shifting in some of the shots and a couple shots that are played in reverse. All the paint throwing, dripping, flowing, etc is 100% real and I'm still finding neon paint in my ears to prove it!